Friday, May 21, 2010

A Dream

Last night I had a dream about being pregnant. And in the dream I, for whatever reason, had refused to look at any of this babies ultrasound pictures. My sister was over and she wanted to see the most recent one. As I handed it to her I accidentally saw it. It was the clearest ultrasound. It showed a profile shot of the baby. At least at 20=25 weeker baby. And all I remember after that was asking her, there really is a baby huhn?

How weird is that? So far I have had 2 dreams about being pregnant since our losses, but none where Bryston is present. I crave a dream of him so badly but it just never seems to come. But then again I realize how blessed I am to be getting as frequent sparrow visits as I have. Maybe I'll never get a dream, but I hope that I do. These pregnancy dreams give me hope that maybe soon I'll be blessed again like so many of you. I'm petrified of another loss but I am in no way willing to give up. I will do whatever I have to do. I just pray that it doesn't come to that.

Tonight were going out with some friends to see a comedian/hypnotist. I am so excited! I really need to get out and have a few good laughs. I wish that I could be as light hearted as I use to be so tonight I'm really looking forward to a little piece of that again. Wish me luck! Have a great weekend everyone and God Bless!


My life said...

I have never had a dream about Nathan either. I always try to see if I can see him in my dreams but it hasn't happened at least not that I can remember. I hope the dreams about you being pregnant are a sign that it could happen for you soon. I also had a loss after Nathan and it was hard to think about even trying again. I'll be praying for you.

Have fun tonight!

Lisette said...

I hope that your dream comes true and that you will soon be blessed with another baby in your belly. Crossing my fingers and toes and of course praying to God for you.
I hope you get to enjoy yourself tonight. I am also going out with friends. I am nervous but I really need this get together. Have a great weekend and be safe.

Britt said...

I haven't had any dreams of Ella Grace and I can't decide if I want them or not. I am worried that my dreams won't live up the ideas I have when I am awake of her playing in Heaven! I hope you have fun tonight and get to relax!

Holly said...

I've only had 1 dream of Carleigh and in it she still died but she was alive for a little bit and I woke up happy that I spent some time with her while she was alive. Since then I haven't dreamed of her at all.

I hope that you can have a dream of Bryston.

Have fun tonight! I wonder will he hypnotize people in the audience? I think that's funny to see people do things they don't remember doing.

Stephanie said...

Thinking of you and your dream...praying it will come true soon.

With Out My Punkin said...

I hope that your dream becomes a reality! Hope you had a fun night out!

Once A Mother said...

maybe these dreams are a gift from bryston to encourage you about good news to come?

Karen said...

Hoping those dreams come true and you have a sibling for Bryston in your arms. xo