Saturday, August 29, 2009

Let me count thy ways

I was just wondering today how many ways can the word sad be said? It was kind of interesting to see just how many there really are.

unhappy, depressed, bereaved, bitter, blue, cheerless, dejected, despairing, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, distressed, doleful, down, down in dumps, down in mouth, downcast, forlorn, gloomy, glum, grief-stricken, grieved, heartbroken, heartsick, heavyhearted, hurting, in doldrums, in grief, in the dumps, languishing, low, low-spirited, lugubrious, melancholy, morbid, morose, mournful, out of sorts, pensive, pessimistic, sick at heart, somber, sorrowful, sorry, troubled, weeping, wistful, woebegone, unfortunate, distressingbad, calamitous, dark, dejecting, deplorable, depressing, disastrous, discomposing, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, dispiriting, dreary, funereal, grave, grievous, hapless, heart-rending, joyless, lachrymose, lamentable, lugubrious, melancholic, miserable, moving, oppressive, pathetic, pitiable, pitiful, poignant, regrettable, saddening, serious, shabby, sorry, tear-jerking, tearful, tragic, unhappy, unsatisfactory, upsetting, wretched, bummer, and heavy hearted.

Can you believe this? It leaves me kinda speachless, ironic huhn?


He & Me + 3 said...

Wow, that is alot of different ways. I never thought about it before. Unbelievable.

Sheryl said...

just wanted you to know that i stopped by. praying for you right now.

More Than Words said...

There are many different ways, that's for sure...

Once A Mother said...

Hey Jenn,
Just a note to let you know that I am giving you the Honest Scrap award for your blog because your writing is so sincere and from the heart and really resonates with me. You can stop by my last post for the details on it.

brian said...

Been reading your blog...reminds me of the many sad stories my wife brings home from work. Will pray that you find strength each new day...