Getting a Baby Bump!
So I am 14 weeks pregnant now. At my last appointment I had gained only a pound, so I figured,
Yeay me, right? Up until Thursday when a co-worker said to me, "You really are getting a pouch already!" Umm, thanks I guess. I was kinda hurt by this. I mean I knew that I would get big eventually. Like at 5 or 6 months, but at just barely 4 months? C'mon! So I steamed all day and polled a few friends and relatives about when they first started to show. It varied among them so I was still bummed. So I decided to google pictures of other random women at 14 weeks to see how I compared to them. Turns out more of them looked like me than not. Others looked 7 months already while the lucky waife types only looked 2 weeks pregnant, lol! Anyway, I now feel better about my baby bump aka pouch.

Embrace the "pouch!" :) You look great! With my first pregnancy I didn't show until 6 months! Even then, just barely. So this time around I'm thrilled that I'm showing already! I love it :)
So, I hope you embrace your belly - it's carrying a miracle inside!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment! So cool that our due dates are so close! I'll have to follow along with you and your pregnancy :)
Sorry, that was me! I was signed under the wrong google account :)
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